Thursday 24 February 2011

Let's Play Some Cards!

It's Thursday and you know what that means ... it's time for some more of my YouTube ramblings with "LandoNation's Five Card Draw"!

It was a particularly interesting week in the poker world, so I highly recommend you watch this week's episode. Also, please like, comment, subscribe and share. Only because I said please.


EPT Grand Final moves to Madrid:

Peter Eastgate comes out of retirement:

Sorel Mizzi under fire (AGAIN) on 2+2:

Jackie Glazier is Australia's first female FTP Red Pro:

FTOPS Main Event results:

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Another Video Update

Finally, after two days away from the computer, I've been able to get another YouTube video up today. You don't have to watch this one if you don't want to, but it would be awful nice of you if you did.

I'll be back tomorrow with the next edition of "Five Card Draw". Hopefully that won't be done in 2.7 billion takes like today's video!

Note to self: must go through my video folder and delete all the evidence that I am human. :P

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Back to School!

I can't believe it - for the first time in eight years, I'm going back to school!

As you read this, I'm already heading back down into the city to RMIT for my first course as part of my Certificate IV in Professional Writing and Editing. I can't believe how quickly it all came about, but I gotta tell you, I'm so excited!

"That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college!"

I only just found out this afternoon after having spent my morning with Mum in the city, chaperoning her around town (she had some errands to run today and always calls on me to help her find places as she lives in the country). After having enjoyed a Korean BBQ lunch, the course advisor called me and said that they were offering me a placement!

I was originally scheduled to go in on Friday, but luckily, I was able to head up to the offices straight away and enroll in my courses. And it just so happens that one of those courses start tonight at 5.30pm!

So enough gas-bagging from me, I have to get my skates on or otherwise I'm going to be late! I'll let you know how it all goes - wish me luck!

Monday 21 February 2011

Who Wants Chowder?

Despite numerous attempts to shoot and upload a video, not only has YouTube decided to crack the shits at me, but it now appears that my body has as well, as I'm feeling nauseous and aching all over. And having reviewed the footage, I gotta tell you, I look and sound like crap, so it's safe to say that there will be no video today.

I feel bad, but thankfully, not this bad.

I've even had a nap in an attempt to get the energy up, but to no avail. Time to take some Panadol and go back to bed. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning. See you tomorrow!

Thursday 17 February 2011

Wait No More, Here's Your New Five Card Draw!

Here it is! The new edition of LandoNation's Five Card Draw - HOORAY! It's a bit rough, I know, but I was trying to record it in time before leaving for tonight's AUSLAN class. If you haven't done so by now, then you must do the following: view, like, comment, subscribe and share. In that order. You'll be glad that you did!

Since it's Friday tomorrow, that means there'll be no video. There will definitely be a blog post though - I was emailed tonight in regards to my RMIT application and I have been short-listed for my writing course! Wooooooooo!

So hopefully, I'll have some more good news for you tomorrow. Wish me luck!

LOL YouTube-aments!

Just a quick update - I've already finished recording today's episode of "Five Card Draw", but due to uploader issues I haven't been able to post it up on YouTube just yet.

And since it's now 5pm (one hour before I start my first AUSLAN class tonight), I have to wait until I get home before I can try again. Hopefully, it'll be up by around 9-9.30pm tonight. Apologies for the delay!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

All Work & No Play Makes Lando a Sad Panda ...

Okay, so I've only just realised that it's 10 minutes until midnight and I haven't written a blog post yet. Crap - here I am telling you guys that I'm going to be putting up a blog post every day and now I almost forgot ... well, it hasn't been every day, I must admit. I mean, I've been posting every working day, but not on the weekends (I need my "me" time, okay?)

Anyway ... I guess as you can probably see from just the opening paragraph of this blog alone, things have been rather hectic in my part of the world. Sure, it's been great that I've created all this new work for myself, what with this written blog as well as my YouTube channel (please don't forget to view, like, comment, subscribe and share), but there's also all the paid work that's been coming in.

And as much as I love doing all the blog posts and videos, if there's money to be made, then that's the priority. Harsh as it sounds, you would do the same thing, would you not?

Add to that the possibility of going back to school (FYI, still waiting to hear back from RMIT), as well as starting AUSLAN classes tomorrow night, the upcoming Shuffle Magazine project and all the planning for the Deaf Poker Australia events and you have yourself a very busy, and very tired, Lando.

Well, if it'll help take the stress away, I'll try anything once!

It also means that I'm getting to bed rather late and feeling quite down because I know that while I'm typing away here in the office, my fiance Shannyn is waiting up for me, watching TV. And through all of this, I haven't even found that much time to scratch myself, let alone begin exercising as part of my weight wager with her. And because of all these long days and late nights, I haven't been sleeping all that well either.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that while all these new and exciting things are happening, they are taking their toll. Still, it's not a dire situation, by any stretch. You could say that this is a more of a rant post to motivate myself to keep on track. I'm certainly better organised and better prepared for things than I was back in high school - hell, I even managed to keep a diary for a full year last year without losing it or forgetting to write stuff down in it!

So, here's what I'm gonna do. From Monday until Thursday, I'm going to post a YouTube video. Mondays will be a "show-and-tell" video about what I've been up to over the last week, then on Tuesdays, I'll do a wrap-up of the news headlines - current affairs, politics, sport, weather - but important stuff. Stuff that I would like to talk about.

Then on Wednesdays, I want you, the world, to tell me what I should talk about. It could be anything (within reason and within the boundaries of good taste). A funny YouTube video, a wacky news story, entertainment news (because normally I wouldn't bring myself to talk about that tripe), hot chicks, whatever. If you've got questions about me, my videos, my life, whatever ... ask me.

Finally, I'll wrap up Thursdays with "Five Card Draw". I'll admit - it's definitely the strongest "segment" that I do on YouTube, but you gotta play to your strengths. Besides, it's not like I want to get out of poker - on the contrary, it's something that I'm still very passionate about and it's an industry that I'll keep working in for as long as people want me to.

As I've said before, these blogs are about me broadening my horizons and keeping myself in touch with the rest of the world, but at the same time, I want to share my world with you. As gooey and sentimental as it sounds, it's true. And despite the fact that there's little to no production value in my videos (I have no skills in video editing whatsoever), I hope that at the very least, you've liked what you've seen so far.

And with that, I'm off to bed - another big day tomorrow with a lunch meeting, followed by my first AUSLAN class in the evening. Hopefully, I'll have heard back from the uni about my application too. Fingers crossed!

Edit: as I mentioned earlier in this post, I'll be posting YouTube videos from Monday until Thursday, thus Friday will be my day off (except for a written blog post). I'll also squeeze in other blog posts when I can and as for the weekends ... well, like I said, I have to have my "me" time!

Tuesday 15 February 2011

So, Can We Have Your Liver Then?

Finally, after what seemed like a billion takes, I managed to get a video blog up today on YouTube. Today, I take a look at some Aussie news headlines, including all the comebacks in Aussie swimming, all the shit that's happened in Aussie politics and a new development in getting more people to register as organ donors.

You know the drill: view, like, comment, subscribe and share!

As I'm working all day in the city tomorrow, there won't be a YouTube video, but I'll do my best to get a written post up (it's been a while).

Monday 14 February 2011

My One True Love ...

I've got another busy day ahead, so there'll be no written blog post tonight but I did manage to squeeze in another YouTube video and it's dedicated to my one true love (and my fiance too). Please enjoy, like and subscribe - and there's even more reason to show me the love, as from today, all my videos will be in a glorious high definition widescreen presentation!

I wish you all a very happy Valentine's Day and I'll see you all back here tomorrow!

Friday 11 February 2011

LandoNation ... in WIDESCREEN!

It's been a damn good 24 hours, if I do say so myself. Despite losing $100 in brutal fashion at Paul's ring game last night (it's still quite painful to talk about and I promised myself I wouldn't share any poker stories on this blog, particularly bad beat stories, which are just a waste of time), I had a great time with the fiance and our friends. However, today was particularly special, thanks to my good friend Dylan.

A few weeks ago, he mentioned that he was looking to upgrade his flat-screen TV. I was the first to jump in and offer to buy his old one (which is still in great nick, I might add) and we agreed to do the deal. I picked it up from his place and after hanging out with him all day, I drove home (stopping in to pick up my fiance from work, of course) before rearranging the TVs.

This means that Dylan's old 42" Samsung is now in our room and our 36" Samsung is now in the office. Well, my office/man-cave. And the beauty about these flat-screen technological marvels is that they are also more than capable of acting as a computer monitor. I can now say that LandoNation is on TV in high-definition widescreen!

It's certainly going to make multi-tabling online poker a lot easier and if there's a glaring mistake in any of my work, I'll be able to pick it up much more quickly, that's for sure! Now all I need to do is actually upgrade a few more things (in particular, my keyboard, my webcam and my home PC - at the moment the laptop is hooked up as the "hard drive" to this TV) and this home office/man-cave will be totally "balla" (baller?) as the cool kids say these days.

"We gotta move these refrigerators ... we gotta move these colour TVs ..."

As much as some people (including my fiance) may think it's a little ridiculous, but still, even she admits it's going to be awesome watching Blu-Ray movies on 42" of pure visual awesomeness. Although I'm a little envious about Dylan's upgrade - 55", if you don't mind!

Anyhoo ... I know that I've been really slack in terms of the content I've put up on the blog this week, but with all that's been going on, it's kept me really busy. Not to mention this humid weather (seriously, to the person that's still doing the rain dance, please stop) is not helping either me or my fiance get a good night's rest.

And given I have another dealing gig tomorrow afternoon and Sunday fully booked with the better half (we're celebrating our Valentine's Day then as we'll both be working on the next day), I'll be back on Monday, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed once again. Until then, have a good weekend!

Thursday 10 February 2011

LandoNation's Five Card Draw (Episode 1)

Give that this is my fifth YouTube video post, it's only fitting that this is the debut episode of "Five Card Draw", which is my take on the top five headlines in and around the poker world.

Now, I know that I said that I would refrain from talking about poker on this written blog, but as you'll see in this video, I'm playing to my strengths in terms of knowledge and experience in this industry - and because this is an embedded video from my YouTube channel, it doesn't really count as a written blog post!

Also, it's good to see what it is I need to do in order to improve my video presenting skills overall (no matter what the subject) and with the addition of Closed Captions for my deaf and hearing impaired followers, I can actually write a proper script for each video now, making it easier to complete them in one take. Check out the video below:

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and leave a comment or video response if you wish. I probably won't have time to do another blog post here tonight, as I've got to start catching up on some work and run another couple of errands before heading out to my friend's place for a home game. Hopefully I'll get around to it tomorrow.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

"How Excitement!"

... as my grandmother would say! Indeed, it's been a very exciting day for me. I couldn't really sum it up in words, so I posted another YouTube video. Enjoy!

Not sure if I'll put up a written blog tonight - I was burning the midnight oil with last-minute touches on my course application. I'll see how I feel after dinner. Don't wait up!

Edit: from this point onwards, all my videos will contain closed captions for all my deaf and hard-of-hearing friends! Please bear with me though, I'm still working out all the kinks so the captions in this video are a bit out-of-whack.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Now We Play the Weight-ing Game!

It's been a long time coming, but finally, I'm able to share with the world the details about my wager that I have against my fiance.

Some might remember me mentioning this in my first blog post - basically, my fiance and I are in a "race" to lose 20kgs (just over 44lbs) and quit smoking by July the 1st. The loser has to buy our new bed. Why are we doing this? Well, apart from the prospect of a comfortable night's sleep (our current bed is almost seven years old), we're also looking to get back into shape.

I must admit, I have let myself go over the years, but I wouldn't call myself horribly overweight - just really unhealthy compared to what I was a long time ago.

When I was younger, I was really fit (although I was quite skinny and since I had inherited my grandfather's amazing metabolism, I wasn't able to bulk up). I did a lot of cross-country running back in the day and enjoyed riding my bike around my hometown with my best mate.

I also played squash for 13 years. When I was old enough to pick up a racquet, I began to learn how to play from my grandfather, who at the time was the President of the Victorian Squash Federation and co-owned the squash courts in Sunbury (which sadly no longer exist). I won many trophies over the years and played Division 1 pennant on Saturday mornings, plus I had the privilege of being one of the representatives for squash at the launch of Melbourne's 2006 Commonwealth Games bid.

However, my biggest sporting accomplishments were in Australian Rules football - not in playing, but in officiating. It all started when I had my first-ever Aussie Rules experience at the MCG. My father and I went to a Carlton vs Footscray (now Western Bulldogs) game and while the game itself was very exciting, I remember asking my dad about what those men in white were doing.

"They're the umpires," he told me. "They're kind of like policemen that control the game." I thought to myself there and then, "That's something I want to do when I grow up!"

This cartoon pretty much sums up my primary school days!

I first started officiating games at primary school. During our lunch break, I'd run out to where all the fifth and sixth-grade kids were playing footy. Every time they'd pick their teams, I'd sit out. "It's okay," I'd say. "I'll umpire." I remember that I had the ability to imitate an umpire's whistle using my throat (that is, until and spent my weekends at home practicing how to bounce the ball.

Needless to say, this made me a target for a few of the "popular" kids and I was bullied, but some of my primary school mates were also appreciative of what I did. The greatest present I ever got was on my 12th birthday - it was a footy-themed party and everyone came dressed in their favourite club's colours.

My club was Carlton, but I was quick to change into my white shirt and shorts after one of my friends bought me a pair of white sweatbands and a genuine Acme Thunderer ring-grip brass whistle (the same one that the AFL umpires use today). That afternoon's backyard footy game with my friends was the best ever!

I did play footy for a couple of years as well - let's face it, you can't officiate a game without having played it first. My first two years were with the Macedon Junior Football Club and the team just sucked. We lost every game and probably kicked only four or five goals for the whole season, so I switched to the Gisborne Rookies. We had a great run and I kicked about 20 goals throughout the season, but sadly, we lost the preliminary final against Melton.

Heart-breaking stuff, but what was worse was that as everyone else was growing up and out, I was still the small, skinny kid. So, I stopped playing footy and kept running and playing squash. It wasn't until 1999 (just after I turned 16), that my mother finally let me start umpiring footy for real with the Riddell District Football League Umpires' Association (or Riddell Umpires as they are now known).

It was a promising start to what could have been a great career - I graduated from U/10s to the U/16s in my first year, started umpiring senior football in my second and also was in the core group of umpires that were also sent on duties to the Ballarat Football League and the Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA). I also got to umpire AFL Little League half-time games at the MCG and Colonial (now Etihad) Stadium, plus many VFL Junior State representative games and the AFL International Cup.

My primary discipline was in the field, but I also performed boundary umpire duties during junior finals. Then after all the drama of 2003 (and subsequently my employment at the casino in 2004), I had to give it up. That's when my health began to deteriorate.

It didn't help that I picked up a strange skin condition off the tables which forced me to quit (after having used up all my sick leave with hospital visits), but the whole 24/7 rotating roster lifestyle, as well as trying to cram in a full meal on a 20-minute break didn't help either, nor did the after-work drinks at 4.30 in the morning (after night shift).

Sure, I could have done more exercise in the staff gym and on my days off, but I thought I was invincible - after all, I was only 19-turning-20 when I worked there - and night shift made any daytime activity impossible (except for sleep). When I left, I felt awful (both physically and emotionally), but thankfully I was able to pick up a steady job at a bank and find work with a casino entertainment business (which in 2005 was still a new concept).

Still, they were tough times and I was very depressed and it wasn't until later that year I found out I suffered from bipolar disorder (more on that another time). The medication helped, but unfortunately, the side affects also included weight gain. Add that to all the damage done from working in the gaming industry and you've got yourself a Lando that at one stage weighed 115kgs (253lbs)!

So now, since things have improved significantly in my life, it's time to focus on getting myself healthy again. I used one of those electronic height and weight scales at a shopping centre in the city yesterday and the results showed that I am 177cm (5' 9.5") tall and weigh 99.3kgs (219lbs), thus making my goal weight 79kgs (174lbs).

Granted, we should have started this race last week, but as I mentioned in my first post, I had some troubles with my left foot, which forced me on crutches for the most part of my Aussie Millions assignment. My fiance then had a tooth fall out due to a botched filling by her dentist, so that had to be repaired (which by her account was a rather painful experience).

No more excuses - it's time to get back in shape. Running, cycling, swimming, even Wii Fit - whatever it takes. Come July 1, 2011, you're going to see a whole new Lando! "We can rebuild him ... we have the technology!"

More YouTube Ramblings

I've posted another YouTube video today - this one is on a number of news items that I stumbled across and my views on them. Please watch and feel free to leave a comment or post a video response (and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already done so):


UK Prime Minister David Gordon's views on multiculturalism:

The retail giants' war on online shopping continues:

Air New Zealand's plan to make mobile calls on flights a reality:

Monday 7 February 2011

YouTube: For When Typing is Too Much Hard Work

Given that I'm now trying to recover from today's Super Bowl XLV festivities (subtext: why the hell did I start drinking beer from 9am?), I have decided to post another video on my YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure:

I probably won't be writing a blog post tonight, but there will be definitely be one tomorrow. You don't have to log off, but you can't stay here!

Friday 4 February 2011

Family Pride

During my career as a poker reporter over the last three years, I've had the privilege of travelling around Australia and South-East Asia to cover some of the biggest and most prestigious poker events in the world.

In fact, my very first overseas trip came about in 2009 when I was asked to work at the Asia Pacific Poker Tour event at the Grand Lisboa Hotel & Casino in Macau. For those who don't know where Macau is, it's a little island located east of Hong Kong and can only be described as "The Las Vegas of Asia".

Macau is an incredible place - all the hustle and bustle, the lights, sounds and smells, and of course, the glitz and glamour of a world-class poker extravaganza. Not to mention the room I stayed in - it was an executive suite on the 37th floor, with three TVs - one massive plasma screen in the room, one mounted in the mirror and one in the toilet!

And I can't even begin to tell you about how awesome the shower was. Apart from having the best shower head in history (it was mounted flush to the ceiling and the way the water cascaded down could have easily showered three people at once), it also doubled as a steam room! The week just flew by and our group capped it off with an extra night's stay in Hong Kong where we celebrated our friend's birthday. As for how awesome the party was, all I'll say is this - we all went bonkers in Honkers!

From there, I've also travelled to Auckland, New Zealand, which was also nice, but unless you had time to do all the extreme sports stuff (like the SkyJump or reverse bungee), it felt like a miniature Sydney. Still, I had a great day out with my friends James and Chris, who took me out to Kelly Tarlton's penguin exhibit.

I also got to travel to the island of Cebu, which is about a one-hour flight south of Manila in The Philippines. The APPT Cebu event was held in the Grand Marquee, inside the five-star Shangri-La Mactan Resort and let me tell you, it was unbelievable! If I had to choose one place to play poker, it would be there, simply because busting out of Day 1 of the Main Event wouldn't matter when you're lounging poolside for the rest of the week.

Of course, it goes without saying that I've also travelled quite frequently around the country and have covered almost every major poker tournament series in Melbourne (my first ever assignment was the 2009 Aussie Millions). It's sure been a meteoric rise from nowhere, but through it all there's been a lot that I've missed, particularly spending time with my fiance and my family.

So when I finished this year's run at the Aussie Millions on Saturday (I wasn't scheduled on Sunday), I jumped at the chance of being able to drive up to my mum's place for a family BBQ. You see, I'm the eldest of six kids (I have four sisters and one brother) and though we've all grown up and are now leading different lives, we're still very close, and when we get together, it's always a riot!

But last Sunday's BBQ was particularly special - apart from the glorious sunny day which greeted us (which has been unusually rare this summer), Mum had organised it for all of us in celebration of what I like to call a "Family Pride Day". She invited all of our close family and friends around for lunch, as well as present us all with a cake and gave a speech about all our achievements.

Left to right: Taylor, Ashlyn, me, Talisa, Danika and Brittany

In order of age, she started with me, then my eldest sister Brittany (who is recently engaged to her long-time boyfriend Andrew), my second-eldest sister Talisa (who is about to head off to the Police Academy), my brother Taylor (who has almost finished his logistics apprenticeship), my second-youngest sister Danika (who after having been elected school captain last year is about to go to university) and my youngest sister Ashlyn (who is in her final year of school).

But there's no denying that we are all very proud of our Mum - she is, after all, the one who encouraged us to follow our dreams and support us every step of the way, through thick and thin. If anything, our Family Pride Day was just as much about her as it was us and I was so glad to have had finished work to celebrate with them all!

It was definitely one of the most wonderful moments in our family's history, but to top that all off, we came up with a brand-new game called "Soak of Shame". It had been a long time since any of us had had a water fight (what with all these water restrictions and what-not), but the idea came to us after we started throwing around a balloon full of water. From there, we quickly came up with the rules of the game and we then got about 20 people involved!

I'm still waiting for the video footage that was recorded to go up on YouTube, but in the meantime, I'll explain how the game works:

Soak of Shame (AKA Soakenfreude)

Number of players: Any number, but we reckon between 10 and 20 people is ideal. This game can be played by anybody of any age, gender and fitness level!

Equipment: At least two dozen regular balloons filled with water (NOT water bombs) and a bucket. Make sure you're close to a water source (like a faucet, pool or if you're at the beach, the ocean).

How to play: First, make sure you have enough balloons ready for the game. Then choose a random person to be the "bucket man". This person acts as the referee and will be responsible for handing out the balloons and dishing out buckets of water to the players that stuff up (more on this later).

Once you have enough balloons ready and have chosen a bucket man, get everyone to stand in a circle and spread out so that the players either side of you are about two metres apart (as a rough guide, they should only be able to just touch your fingertips of your outstretched arms).

The bucket man will then grab a balloon and hand it to another random person (to start the game, give the balloon to the youngest player). The player will then throw the balloon in any direction to any other player (even if they're not paying attention). The player throwing the balloon cannot say who they're throwing it to, but they can fake a pass if they wish.

The balloon must then be caught by the other player. If they successfully catch it (without breaking it) they then get to throw the balloon to another random player, and so on. This also applies if they're lucky enough to not have the balloon burst after they dropped it.

However, if they do drop it and it breaks (or if it breaks after they catch it or as they are in the process of throwing it), the bucket man will immediately step in and dump the bucket of water over them. A new balloon will then be given to that player and the game starts again.

If the throw was judged uncatchable (e.g. a player throws it but it falls well short of the other player's feet), the person who threw it will have the bucket dumped on them - unless the player was intentionally trying to make the catch. The bucket man will also dump a bucket of water on a player who has interfered with the balloon mid-flight to another player. If a player gets bucketed three times, they'll then swap with the bucket man.

This game is great on hot days and you can play it for as long as you like - just make sure you have enough balloons prepared (or get a team on the sidelines to keep filling them up as you go). For an extra challenge, the bucket man can also get two, three or even four balloons going at once!

It's amazing to think how much joy you can get out of the simple things in life. Still, when you do find yourself away from your loved ones so often, you should relish every opportunity you have when you get back home. And that means more to me than anything else.

Look Ma, I'm on TV!

If you can recall back to my first post, I mentioned that I was going to start a YouTube channel and start posting a video blog. Well, I managed to get around to that today and have just uploaded my first ever video!

It's not much, and I look like crap, but it's a start. You can view it below:

If you could also subscribe to my YouTube channel, that would be ever so kind of you. It is a work in progress, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops over the coming weeks and months. Should be fun!

And for the record, this doesn't count as my official blog post for the day. I'll be back later to put that up, but for now, it's time for lunch. Vietnamese pork roll - OM NOM NOM NOM NOM ...

Thursday 3 February 2011

Back to School?

It's strange that I'm even considering it, but right now, as I sit here in my home office blogging away, I'm seriously thinking about going back to school. I'm sure my family will be thrilled to read this, considering my history in education is not as rosy as people might think.

You see, when I was little and just starting out in Grade Prep (kindergarten for my American friends), I was classed as a "gifted child". I don't like talking about it all that much, but what I do remember is that I was tested by some lady and the only question that stood out was one where I had to measure how long a line on a piece of paper was using a ruler.

According to the lady, most kids my age would have started measuring from the 1cm mark. I got it right as I measured from the 0cm mark. Not sure how that made me gifted, but then there was my ability to read and write. Really well.

So much so, I remember being paraded around to other classes (even up to the fifth and sixth grade) to demonstrate my abilities. I remember being able to fluently read fairy tales out loud to the students, complete with different voices for the characters. I was their golden child - and I must admit I kinda liked the attention.

By the time other kids had managed to master "See Spot Run", I was already on short novels. By the third grade, I was reading Asterix comics cover-to-cover - and believe me, they're not that easy to read, considering the depth of the writing (both in character and history).

I was also the first person in my class to receive my pen licence. I used to sit and write stories all the time. I'd also write scripts for plays, where I would cast myself as a detective, solve cases and rescue the pretty girl (my primary school crush) and defeat the evil villain.

Who were those evil villains? Well, whoever bullied me at the time. And believe me, there were a lot of them - all jealous of my "gifts", apparently - and I copped it hard, both verbally and physically. Honestly, I don't know how that "sticks and stones" bullshit can be true - if anything, the words hurt even more.

Needless to say, by the time I reached sixth grade I was already in a mess. It didn't help that my teacher at the time was also a Class-A bitch and picked on me - in front of my classmates, no less - forcing me on more than one occasion to run out of the classroom. I'd then be coaxed out of hiding by my principal and taken to the staff room where I'd be given a couple of Tim Tams and a glass of milk to cheer up. That still helps me today!

So after I graduated from primary school, my parents decided (on the advice of some stupid school counselor) that in order to avoid this crap in high school, they'd send me to a private school. As much as I love my parents, even they admitted in later years that sending me there was not such a great idea.

I was constantly in the firing line of almost everybody in my year level. It also didn't help that I had a tendency to retaliate, but finally it reached a point where it was affecting my mood so badly that I was taking it out on my parents - and when they couldn't get a positive response from the staff, I was moved to another school closer to the city.

And for a whole year, I couldn't have performed any better. I got to take up all the classes I wanted to do - English, Literature, Drama, Theatre Studies, Media - and then I got bored. I fell into the wrong crowd. I started ditching classes, rebelled against my parents, you know, the whole gammut that teenagers go through - and failed Year 12.

I tried going back and completing Year 12 the following year at another school, but that too failed miserably. I ended up dropping out at the end of Term 3, took my car home, packed some things and then moved into the city with some other friends before running off to Queensland for a working holiday. It was shortly after I came back that I got the call from Crown Casino. The rest, as they say, is history.

As I'm sure you've picked up by now, this is an abridged version of my educational history. There's certainly a lot more to this story, but I'm not worried about it anymore. You see, that was the problem. I focused too much on the past and didn't think about what it is I should be doing now in order to prepare for the future.

Rather than thinking about everyone else, I should be thinking about myself. Get the job done, get out of there, don't worry about what it is others are doing (or not doing). You are the master of your own destiny, Lando - stop being a pussy and get on with your life!

But again, I digress. It's now time for me to choose which path to take. Should I go the whole box-and-dice and enroll as a mature-age student in an actual university (thereby taking a step back from all the work I'm doing now) or should I complete an online course as a supplement to all the work? I personally like the latter option, but I do need to seek some advice from other people - your comments below will be greatly appreciated.

I can confirm one course I am enrolled in though - very soon (hopefully in the next month), I'll be taking a Level 1 AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language) course as part of my work with Deaf Poker Australia. It's something that I've been looking forward to for a long time and I know that it's going to help me in the future.

Who knows what will happen? All I can say is that I know that I'm now doing all I can to being the best I can be. And although I'm almost 30 years old, it doesn't matter to me that it's taken this long to get to this point. Just being able to know that I now have the freedom to choose without the pressure of great expectations (or the burden of bullying) on my shoulders is a wonderful thing.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

First Words

Hello, world. Allow me, if you will, to introduce myself. Well, when I say introduce myself, I mean to those who don't know me. For those who do, just talk quietly amongst yourselves for the next few minutes.

My name is Landon Blackhall, I'm 26-and-a-half years old and I live in Melbourne, Australia. For the last three years I've been touring all around Australia and South-East Asia reporting on major poker events. You might have seen my work on PokerNetwork and PokerNews (I blog under the handle LandoCalrisian) and I've also done some work with the PokerStars Blog.

I've also written numerous columns for Bluff Australasia Magazine (which is now PokerNews Australia, Asia & Pacific) and I've recently been appointed the Editorial Co-ordinator for Shuffle Magazine, the official publication for the Australian Poker League (APL).

It's been an exciting three years, don't get me wrong - the opportunities to travel, the people you meet and of course being front and centre for some of the world's richest poker events (including the Aussie Millions, in my hometown) is something that most people would only dream about.

And believe me, they do - I constantly have people telling me that they wish they could have my job. "You're so lucky," they tell me. "You get to meet all the pros, go to all the parties ... you have the best job in the world!"

From the outside looking in, they're absolutely right. It is one of the best jobs in the world. However, like any job, it can become boring and tedious. It's also a very lonely job - even though you're surrounded by so many people you know, they're all constantly living, not just playing, poker. It's like you're in another world half the time and when you drag yourself home from the airport and try to wind down after another long trip interstate or overseas, you can get withdrawals.

Then again, I can't really complain. It's certainly better than what things were a few years ago. But I digress. There is a reason I started this blog - I need to break the mould and expand my vision outside of poker and the gaming industry.

I want to be able to work on other things and at the same time, give my brain some much-needed stimulus apart from trying to wind down from a poker tournament by playing Super Mario Galaxy non-stop for weeks on end (although I am a huge Mario fan, it's not doing me any favours, for what it's worth).

My long-term goal is to develop my skills and gain more work as a journalist, not just a poker reporter. I also want to gain some steady work (not wait for each paycheck to come in every few months) and ultimately branch out into other areas of the media. One day, I would love to run my own radio show or be a video presenter. I would love to get into voice-over work or commentary as well.

Right now, I'm focusing on improving my health. I have done this in a form of a wager with my fiance. Starting next week, we're on a race to lose 20 kilograms each - whoever loses has to buy our new bed in full.

We would have started earlier, but unfortunately I was almost out of action due to a mysterious foot injury (which had me in crutches for the most part of this year's Aussie Millions - more on that later), and the fiance's tooth fell out (due to a botched filling by the dentist), so she's currently recovering from that. We'll be getting there, we promise!

Anyway, that should do it in terms of my first post. It's now just past 10pm AEDT and I should be getting some rest. As for this blog, I'm hoping that I can at least type something every day. From there, I'm also going to be starting a video blog too. I can't say when that will be, but it will be very soon.

And I make this promise - unless it's massive news (or relevant news, such as the results of the WSOP or Aussie Millions), there won't be one word written about poker on this blog. No offence to my colleagues in the industry, but the last thing I want to be doing is "talking shop".

This blog is the first step towards "rebooting" my mind and getting back in touch with the rest of the world. I hope this works - and I also hope that you, dear reader, will join me for the ride. It could get a little bumpy.